Prof. Thomas Pfeiffer
Google scholar citation metrics (08/2023): h-index 36; 9,000+ citations
- Wang W, Pfeiffer T. Proxy Forecasting to Avoid Stochastic Decision Rules in Decision Markets. arXiv preprint (2023) arXiv:2303.10857
- Wang W, Pfeiffer T. Decision Market Based Learning For Multi-agent Contextual Bandit Problems. arXiv preprint (2022) arXiv:2212.00271
- Wang J, Lei J, Dreber A, Gordon M, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Chen Y. Can laypeople predict the replicability of social science studies without expert intervention: an exploratory study. arXiv preprint (2022) arXiv:2211.03555
- Gordon M, Bishop M, Chen Y, Dreber A, Goldfedder B, Holzmeister F, Johannesson M, Liu Y, Tran L, Twardy C, Wang J, Pfeiffer T. Forecasting the publication and citation outcomes of COVID-19 preprints. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9 (2022) 220440.
- Delios A, Clemente E, Wu T, Tan H, Wang Y, Gordon M, Viganola D, Chen Z, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Generalizability Tests Forecasting Collaboration, Uhlmann E. Examining the generalizability of research findings from archival data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (2022) e2120377119.
- Thompson J, Almenberg AD, Gaunt TR, Gordon M, Holzmeister F, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Lyon M, Penton-Voak I, Pfeiffer T. Using prediction markets to estimate ratings of academic research quality in a mock Research Excellence Framework exercise. MetaArXiv preprint (2022)
- Wang W, Pfeiffer T. Securities Based Decision Markets. In: Chen J., Lang J., Amato C., Zhao D. (eds) Distributed Artificial Intelligence. DAI 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2022) vol 13170.
- Gordon M, Pfeiffer T. Can scientists change their minds? Nature Human Behaviour (News & Views) 5 (2021) 1598-99.
- Alipourfard N, Arendt B, Benjamin DM, Benkler N, Bishop M, Burstein M, Bush M, Caverlee J, Chen Y, Clark C, Dreber A, et al. Systematizing confidence in open research and evidence (SCORE). SocArXiv preprint (2021)
- Viganola D, Buckles G, Chen Y, Diego-Rosell P, Johannesson M, Nosek B, Pfeiffer T, Siegel A, Dreber A. Using prediction markets to predict the outcomes in DARPA’s Next Generation Social Science program. R. Soc. Open Science 8 (2021) 181308.
- Gordon M, Viganola D, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T. Predicting replicability - analysis of survey and prediction market data from large-scale forecasting projects. PLoS ONE 16 (2021) e0248780.
- Tierney W, Ebersole C, Hardy J, Clemente E, Viganola D, Gordon M, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Chapman H, Gantman A, Vanaman M, DeMarree K, Igou E, Wylie J, Storbeck J, Andreychik MR, McPhetres J, Vaughn LA, Work Morality Forecasting Collaboration, Uhlmann EL. A creative destruction approach to replication: Implicit work and sex morality across cultures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 93 (2021) 104060.
- Gordon M, Viganola D, Bishop M, Chen Y, Dreber A, Goldfedder B, Holzmeister F, Johannesson M, Liu Y, Twardy C, Wang J, Pfeiffer T. Are replication rates the same across academic fields? Community forecasts from the DARPA SCORE programme. R. Soc. Open Sci. 7 (2020) 200566.
- Ebersole C, …, Nosek BA. Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability. Adv. Methods Pract. Psychol. Sci. 3 (2020) 309-331.
- Tierney W, Hardy J, Ebersole C, Leavitt K, Viganola D, Clemente E, Gordon M, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Hiring Decisions Forecasting Collaboration, Uhlmann E. Creative destruction in science. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 161 (2020) 291-309.
- Landy JF, Jia M, Ding I L, Viganola D, Tierney W, Dreber A, Johanneson M, Pfeiffer T, …, Uhlmann EL. Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results. Psychological Bulletin 146 (2020): 451-479.
- Forsell E, Viganola D, Pfeiffer T, Almenberg J, Wilson B, Chen Y, Nosek BA, Johannesson M, Dreber A. Predicting replication outcomes in the Many Labs 2 study. Journal of Economic Psychology 75 (2019) 102117.
- Camerer C, Dreber A, Holzmeister F, Ho T, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Nave G, Nosek B, Pfeiffer T, Altmejd A, Buttrick N, Chan T, Chen Y, Forsell E, Gampa A, Heikensten E, Hummer L, Taisuke I, Isaksson S, Manfredi D, Rose J, Wagenmakers EJ, Wu H. Evaluating the replicability of social science experiments in Nature and Science between 2010 and 2015. Nature Human Behaviour 2 (2018) 637-644.
- Eitan O, Viganola D, Inbar Y, Dreber A, Johannesson M, Pfeiffer T, Thau S, Uhlmann E. Is research in social psychology politically biased? Systematic empirical tests and a forecasting survey to address the controversy. JESP 79 (2018) 188-199.
- D Viganola, O Eitan, Y Inbar, A Dreber, M Johannesson, T Pfeiffer, S Thau, ... Datasets from a research project examining the role of politics in social psychological research Scientific data 5 (2018), 1-9.
- Camerer CF, Dreber A, Forsell E, Ho T, Huber J, Johannesson M, Kirchler M, Almenberg J, Altmejd A, Chan T, Heikensten E, Holzmeister F, Imai T, Isaksson S, Nave G, Pfeiffer T, Razen M, Wu H Evaluating replicability of laboratory experiments in economics. Science 351 (2016) 1433-1436.
- Widder S, Allen R, Pfeiffer T, Curtis TP, Wiuf C, Sloan WT, Cordero OX, Brown SP, Momeni B, Shou W, Kettle H, Flint HJ, Haas AF, Laroche B, Kreft JU, Rainey PB, Freilich S, Schuster S, Milferstedt K, van der Meer JR, Groβkopf T, Huisman J, Free A, Picioreanu C, Quince C, Klapper I, Labarthe S, Smets BF, Wang H, Isaac Newton Institute Fellows, Soyer OS. Challenges in microbial ecology: building predictive understanding of community function and dynamics. ISME J 10 (2016) 2557-2568.
- *Dreber A, *Pfeiffer T, Almenberg J, Isaksson S, Wilson B, Chen Y, Nosek B, Johannesson M. Using prediction markets to estimate the reproducibility of scientific research. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (2015) 15343-47.
- *Munafo M, *Pfeiffer T, Altmejd A, Heikensten E, Almenberg J, Bird A, Chen Y, Wilson B, Johannesson M, Dreber A. Using Prediction Markets to Forecast Research Evaluations. R Soc Open Science 2 (2015) 150287.
- Pfeiffer T, Morley A. An evolutionary perspective on the Crabtree effect. Front. Mol. Biosci. 1 (2014), 17.
- Okeke IN, Manning RS, Pfeiffer T. Diagnostic schemes for reducing epidemic size of african viral hemorrhagic fever outbreaks. J Infect Dev Ctries 8 (2014), 1148-59.
- Evangelou E, Siontis KCM, Pfeiffer T, Ioannidis JPA. Perceived information gain from randomized trials correlates with publication in high impact factor journals. J Clinical Epidemiology 65 (2012) 1274-81
- Pfeiffer T, Tran L, Krumme C, Rand DG. The value of reputation. Proc R Soc Interface 9 (2012), 2791-7.
- Pfeiffer T, Gao A, Mao A, Chen Y, Rand DG. Adaptive Information Polling and Aggregation. Proc. of the 26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AAAI (2012).
- Pfeiffer T, Bertram L, Ioannidis JPA. Quantifying Selective Reporting and the Proteus Phenomenon for Multiple Datasets with Similar Bias. PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e18362.
- Pfeiffer T, Almenberg J. Prediction markets and their potential role in biomedical research – a review. Biosystems 102 (2010) 71-6.
- Soyer OS, Pfeiffer T. Evolution under fluctuating environments explains observed robustness in metabolic networks. PLoS Comp Biol 6 (2010) e1000907.
- Almenberg J, Kittlitz K, Pfeiffer T. An experiment on prediction markets in science. PLoS ONE 4 (2009) e8500.
- Rand DG, Pfeiffer T. Systematic differences in citation count across publication tracks at PNAS. PLoS ONE 4 (2009) e8092.
- Rutte C, Pfeiffer T. Evolution of reciprocal altruism by copying of observed behavior. Current Science 97 (2009) 1573-78.
- Pfeiffer T, Hoffmann R. Large-Scale Assessment of the Effect of Popularity on the Reliability of Research. PLoS ONE 6 (2009) e5996.
- Novak M, Pfeiffer T, Ackermann M, Bonhoeffer S. Bacterial growth properties at low optical densities. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 96 (2009) 267-74.
- Rand DG, Pfeiffer T, Dreber A, Sheketoff R, Wernerfelt N, Benkler Y. Dynamic remodeling of in-group bias during the 2008 presidential election. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009) 6187-91.
- Pfeiffer T, Rand DG, Dreber A. Decision-making in research tasks with sequential testing. PLoS ONE 4 (2009) e4607.
- Schuster S, Kreft J-U, Schroeter A, Pfeiffer T. Use of game-theoretical methods in biochemistry and biophysics. J Biol Phys. 34 (2008) 1-17.
- Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Fell DA. Is maximization of molar yield in metabolic networks a universal principle? J Theor Biol. 252 (2008) 497-504.
- Pfeiffer T, Hoffmann R. Temporal patterns of genes in scientific publications. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (2007) 12052-6.
- Steiner UK, Pfeiffer T. Optimizing time and resource allocation trade-offs for investment in morphological and behavioral defense. Am Nat. 169 (2007) 118-29.
- Novak M, Pfeiffer T, Lenski RE, Sauer U, Bonhoeffer S. Experimental evidence for an evolutionary trade-off between growth rate and yield in E. coli. Am Nat. 168 (2006) 242-251.
- Soyer OS, Pfeiffer T, Bonhoeffer S. Simulating the evolution of signal transduction networks. J Theor Biol. 241 (2006) 223-232.
- Pfeiffer T, Soyer OS, Bonhoeffer S. Evolution of connectivity in metabolic networks. PLoS Biol. 3 (2005) e228.
- Pfeiffer T, Rutte C, Killingback T, Taborsky M, Bonhoeffer S. Evolution of cooperation by generalized reciprocity. Proc Biol Sci. 272 (2005) 1115-1120.
- Pfeiffer T, Schuster S. Game-theoretical approaches to studying the evolution of biochemical systems. Trends Biochem Sci. 30 (2005) 20-25.
- Pfeiffer T, Bonhoeffer S. Evolution of crossfeeding in microbial populations. Am Nat. 163 (2004) E126-135.
- Pfeiffer T, Bonhoeffer S. An evolutionary scenario for the transition to undifferentiated multicellularity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (2003) 1095-1098.
- Schuster S, Klamt S, Weckwerth W, Moldenhauer F, Pfeiffer T. Use of network analysis of metabolic systems in bioengineering. Bioprocess Biosyst Eng. 24 (2002) 363-372.
- Pfeiffer T, Bonhoeffer S. Evolutionary consequences of tradeoffs between yield and rate of ATP production. Z Phys Chem. 216 (2002) 51-63.
- Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Moldenhauer F, Koch I, Dandekar T. Exploring the pathway structure of metabolism: decomposition into subnetworks and application to Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Bioinformatics 18 (2002) 351-361.
- Pfeiffer T, Schuster S, Bonhoeffer S, Cooperation and competition in the evolution of ATP-producing pathways. Science 292 (2001) 504-507.
- Pfeiffer T, Dandekar T, Moldenhauer F, Schuster S. Topological Analysis of Metabolic Networks. Application to the Metabolism of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In: BioThermoKinetics 2000. Animating the Cellular Map, Stellenbosch University Press, Stellenbosch (2000) 229-234.
- Schuster S, Pfeiffer T, Moldenhauer F, Koch I, Dandekar T. Structural Analysis of Metabolic Networks: Elementary Flux Modes, Analogy to Petri Nets, and Application to Mycoplasma pneumoniae. In: Proceedings of the German Conference on Bioinformatics, Logos Verlag, Berlin (2000) 115-120
- Pfeiffer T, Sanchez-Valdenebro I, Nuno JC, Montero F, Schuster S. METATOOL: for studying metabolic networks. Bioinformatics 15 (1999) 251-257.
- Schuster S, Fell DA, Pfeiffer T, Dandekar T and Bork P: Elementary Modes Analysis Illustrated with Human Red Cell Metabolism. In: BioThermoKinetics in the Post Genomic Era, Chalmers, Göteborg (1998) 332-339.
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